Friday, November 1, 2013

Importance Of Community Health

Importance Of Community Health :-

1. Production of healthy manpower:

Efficiency cannot be expected from unhealthy manpower . Community health is important for the production of healthy and efficient manpower as it goes to the grass root level to provide health services ,
encourage people to keep environment clean,fight against various disease in the community and makes people healthy.

2. Availability of health services up to grass root level:

Community Health possesses a concept of providing health service ta all the people of the world,where ever they are living. people living in remote and undeveloped areas are having health problems created due to Minor health problems too. Even diarrhea in rural areas.Community health awareness and service and facility up to grass root levels of the community including very poor people who cannot afford expensive health services.

3. Promotion of social service:

Society is made up of people .Public participation in the community is promoted by the community health For promotion of alkali over health status of whole society.Such as practices increase involvement of the people to serve others. It also increase the sense of humanity ans social service as disease are considered as a common problems of all community people.

4.Development of healthy environment:

Community health gives focus for the environment health too. There are many people living in a common environment .This common environment must be healthy for sound health of people living there.There is an integrated and unified effort for situation,control of pollution and other environmental hazard. Therefore, community health concept is very important for development of health environment.

5. Development of preventive,pro-motive,curative and rehabilitative health   behaviour of people:

Community health is a balanced integration of various aspects of health services and awareness in the community.It is important to modify the health behaviour to promote health and efficiency of the people through their own effort.


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