Friday, November 1, 2013

Non-Communicable Diseases

Non communicable disease do not transmit from person to person.This type of disease dose not have causative micro-organism,but it caused by lack of nutrients, and dysfunction or malfunction body organs.Human being is continously
fighting with different forms of communicable and non communicable disease from the long past. Many communicable disease controlled by immunization and strong preventive measure adopted. But most of the non-communicable disease are cronic in nature and they affect the victims for a long time. There need proper awarness, change in life-style ,and even change in the thought towards disease.such disease have been a great problem especially in poor and development countries.

 World Health Organization has listed top risk factor of death in 2002 AD.Risk factors are defined any attribute,habite,or exposure of an individual,which increase the possibilites of disease or injury. Risk factors of disease can be classified into two groups as modifiable and non-modificiation risk factors of non-communiciable disease.


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